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Brandon Boeyenga

Member, Lead

  • Chapter Details
  • Role(s): Member
    Level: Full
    Status: Active
    Committees/Teams: Show Team
  • Bio/Profile
  • Just a little bit about myself. I have been told that I've been singing since I was 3 years old, and that would be correct. I was in my elementary choir and high school choir, Grade 7-8 band playing trumpet, also played the piano for a few years. So you can say I've been around music for most of my life, I have been an active member of another chorus called the Crusaders, an all male choir with over 30-35 members. Now the Crusaders are down to about 16 but are still going strong, singing with our hearts and voices!

    For 3 years now I have been a member of the Barrie County Chordsmen and ever since I joined I have felt challenged in my percepction of music, my understanding of musicical notes and chords, and the ability to harmonize/blend with others. All challenges that I have enjoyed facing so that I can use my voice better and make a difference for others.

    It's great to be a Barbershopper!!
  • Chorus Details
  • Role(s): Lead
    Status: Active
    Front Row? No
  • Chorus Details
  • Role(s): Lead
    Status: Active
    Front Row? No